Kancelaria Adwokacka
Adwokat dr Marta Derlatka


Selected Publications

  1. Garlicki, M. Derlatka, The New Constitutional Court Act, Przegląd Sądowy 2015, nr 11-12, pp. 32-48
  2. Derlatka, Court-appointed defendant’s refusal to lodge cassation appeal in the light of recent ECHR case law in Polish cases, „Europejski Przegląd Sądowy” 2010 nr 3.
  3. Derlatka, Evolution of the Constitutional Complaint in the German Legal Order, „Przegląd Sejmowy”
    2006 nr 1
  4. Derlatka, Gloss to the Ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court of July 18, 2005 on the European Arrest Warrant, Act Call No. 2 BvR 2236/04, „Przegląd Sejmowy” 2006 nr3
  5. Derlatka, The actual problems with the application of the regulations regarding the utility easement, „Przegląd Sądowy” 2014, nr 9, pp. 40-54
  6. Derlatka, (Book review) Enforcement of Judgements of the Constitutional Tribunal in the Constitutional Practice of State Authorities, Kazimierz Działocha, Sylwia Jarosz-Żukowska (eds.), „Państwo i Prawo” 2014, z. 12, p. 96.
  7. Derlatka, Omówienie orzeczenia w sprawie SK 7/06, [in:] Upholding the State of Justice. 30 Years of the Judicial Practice of the Constitutional Tribunal, M. Derlatka, L. Garlicki, M. Wiącek (eds.), Warsaw 2016
  8. Derlatka, A Commentary on the Preamble, articles 19, 69–76 [in:] The Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The Commentary, 2nd edition, L. Garlicki, M. Zubik (eds.), Warsaw 2016 , vol. I–II
  9. Derlatka, M. Osińska, Competition and Consumer Protection in the Light of Recent Changes [in:] Commercial Law. Selected Issues, M. Bidziński, D. Jagiełło (eds.), Warsaw 2016
  10. Derlatka, The Constitution of the Republic of Poland with diagrams, Warsaw, 2010–2015
  11. Derlatka, Women’s Rights in Germany [in:] Women’s Rights in Contemporary World, L. Kondratiewa-Bryzik, W. Sokolewicz (eds.), Warsaw 2011
  12. Derlatka, The Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Introduction, Warsaw 2006–2015
  13. Derlatka, The Constitutional Complaint in Germany, Warsaw 2009
  14. Derlatka, Zum Verhältnis von Oberstem Gerichtshof und Verfassungsgericht in Polen [w:] Lex divina et civitatis. Księga Jubileuszowa na 75-lecie urodzin Prof. H. Schambecka, red. i wstęp B. Banaszak, J. Machnacz, Wrocław 2009.
  15. Derlatka, The Role of the Constitutional Tribunal in Defending Individual Rights [in:] Human Rights in the National Law System, A. Florczak, B. Bolechów (eds.), Toruń 2006
  16. Derlatka, The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal – Selected Issues of Mutual Relations From the Viewpoint of the Protection of Individual Rights [in:] Issues of Contemporary Democratic Societies. The Book Dedicated to Professor Eugeniusz Zwierzchowski, A. Jamróz, S. Bożyk (eds.), Białystok 2006
  17. Derlatka, Gloss to the Ruling of ECHR of October 9 2003. Case of Szott-Medyńska v. Poland, Przegląd Sądowy” 2004 nr 5
  18. Derlatka, The Capital Punishment in the Light of the Judicial Practice of European Courts [in:] Ius et veritas. The Book Dedicated to the Memory of Michał Staszewicz, D. Dudek, A. Janicka, W. S. Staszewski (eds.), Lublin 2003
  19. Derlatka, The Constitutional Complaint as the Competence of the Contemporary Constitutional Court [in:] Law and Justice Towards Contemporary Challenges. Vol. 3. Issues of the Constitutional Law. The Anniversary Book of Professor Jerzy Jaskiernia, R. M. Czarny, K. Spryszak (eds.), Toruń 2012
  20. Derlatka, Ruling of the ECHR of April 29 2002. Case of Diane Pretty v. United Kingdom,„Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego” 2002 nr 3
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